What is ELB?

Emotional liberation breathing is a breathwork technique derived from ancient Indian medicine that allows you to dissolve emotional and physical blockages and resolve issues rooted in your subconscious and unconscious affecting your conscious day-to-day life decisions.

Emotional Liberation Breathing


ELB workshop

Stay tuned for our next event!

It consists of a live workshop spread between theory and practice. During these days you will practice, and you will experience the technique. You will also observe your classmates practicing in that way you will learn more cases and be more confident.

You will learn about:

• The ELB 8 scientific principles

• The Model of the mind

• The different phases of the ELB session

• The practical side of it and what you will see during a session

• How to read the body language and emotional signs

• The different parameters

• The technicalities of the technique

• The 5 signs

• Strategic points to help or stimulate the clients

• Common symptoms and meanings

• The red and yellow flags

• How to adapt to different clientele

• The power of the mind


From Latin America to India

Yes, We teach breathwork in India, the country of breathwork therapy!

What the students say about us:

ELB and ISMC level 1- 2 courses

Sola Tohme - Beirut, Lebanon

Studying at the Bridge institute was a rewarding experience in many ways.  Integrative stress management coaching course is comprehensive and life changing. I enjoyed the whole learning process. It is very flexible and you can progress as quickly as you want. I really feel confident and equipped with the skills to continue my coaching journey. Highly recommended if you would like to improve your coaching skills . Sola Tohme Physiotherapist NLP Practitioner and Weight Loss Coach

ISMC course

Lea Bassila - Beirut, Lebanon

This course has changed my life since Day 1. It changed my perception of myself, and consequently that of other people. That effectively improved my relationship with myself and with others as I’m better able to understand my emotions. Also, it’s complimentary to my practice, as I’m a dietitian that implements a holistic body-mind approach to health and nutrition. Most of my clients have trouble dealing with their emotions, and usually, resort to food as a distractor. This course gives me the tools I need to help them process their emotions and meet their needs without turning to food. And with emotional eating comes guilt, a very common emotion experienced by individuals with disordered eating. Guilt is the first and most important chapter of this course, so it’s a great addition to my practice. Very much recommended

ELB and ISMC courses

Ishu Raizada, Mumbai, India

Hello, This is Ishu Raizada, I am an ELB practitioner and Integrative Stress Management Coach as well. So here I am going to talk about ISM course. This course is just like magic for the clients. It contains all the emotional problems that you are suffering with and lots of therapies or techniques here that can help you in coping with all the emotional blockages. I had a case that I would like to share, there was a patient with having height phobia where he couldn't even look from the 2nd floor,u won't believe just after 2 sessions only, he can go up to 10th floor without any fear inside him. This is something magical I must say.

ELB and ISMC courses

Paolo Succar - Beirut, Lebanon

Hello. I am father Paolo Succar, a priest with Mission de vie, and I finished level 1 and started level 2 in PTSD. It helped me a lot because I always wanted to accompany people and help them in their journey of self discovery and self love. Spirituality helped me a lot, but I always thought that there must be some psychological issues in which spirituality won’t be enough but that I can acquire and help people in a deeper and more efficient way. Taking level 1 has already helped me to strengthen many people I accompany and to understand more and more what they are going through, especially in the tough times we are going through in Lebanon. What’s very helpful in this certificate is that it’s very practical and very clear regarding the methods we can use to help and in which cases. Although I come from a spiritual and theologian background, it was not hard for me to grasp the ideas that were given, although it’s very scientific and based on many approaches well known in psychology.

ELB and ISMC courses

Reind Doughan - Beirut, Lebanon

A life-changing course I took the “Integrative stress management coaching” program with The Bridge institute. A fascinating, well-organized program that changed my life. It helped me personally raise my self-awareness, detect a lot of fears and anxieties that I was not aware of, and overcome them. It also made me conscious of my thoughts and feelings and gave me the tools I need to express and manage them. In addition to all that was mentioned, I was able to get rid of my old negative behaviours and habits and create new healthy ones. In my professional life as a physical therapist, the course made me realize that the body and the mind both form a strong entity which is The Self and that every treatment should target the Self. Combining physical therapy techniques and stress management techniques showed optimal and faster results.

ELB and ISMC courses

Ralph Hobeika- Beirut, Lebanon

ISMC is not a regular course... It is a life-changing experience. Since the very first sessions, I fell in love with the enriching information and knowledge provided. On the personal level, understanding my emotions and how to deal with them was the first step towards reaching my inner peace and increasing my emotional intelligence. The satisfaction I felt when I started coaching people was out of this world. Stress management coaching help people improve their way of thinking and impact the emotional and behavioral aspects of their lives. I definitely recommend coaching to everyone willing to improve himself and help people around him. It’s time to prioritize our well-being.